China Energy Corp is a company that produces and processes raw coal for heating and power generation in Inner Mongolia. Without boring you with details of their total operation, the main revenue driver is their coal production. Before the nay sayers begin their criticism of this stock, let me be upfront with some perceived negatives of this company:
- A lot of people just don't trust Chinese microcaps for whatever reason
- The company's website is currently being redone, so it's not active
- The balance sheet's not that great due to recently upgrades in their coal mine
Okay, now that I've got that out of the way, let me tell you why I think this stock could double or better in the next 2 to 3 weeks.
We all know that no country has been immune from the recent economic challenges. Even China, which has fared better than most, has seen a sharp decline in growth. Despite this negative trend, the country continues to be starved for energy. The most sought after energy source happens to be coal. China depends on coal for about 75 percent of its annual energy production and consumes about half the world's coal. Finding a buyer is never an issue. Customers are willing to buy how ever much a company is willing to sell.
Energy stocks in general have begun to trend up after a massive drop. Oil is now solidly over $50/barrel and coal stocks have clearly been participating in the rally. Most of these stocks have seen at least 30% gains since the beginning of March 09. This uptrend is clearly seen in the 1 month chart of the Market Vector Coal ETF (KOL) below:

In December 2008, CHGY.OB finished the production expansion of one of its coal mines. The annual coal production is scheduled to increase 80% from 500,000 tons to 900,000 tons per year. Also, after a precipitous fall, the price of thermal coal finally leveled out and has recently shown signs of an upward trend.
China Energy had a dismal 3rd quarter in 2008 caused by mine preparations, production halts due to the 2008 Summer Olympics, and the overall sentiment of a slumping economy. However, the company responded in quarter 4 with much better production numbers and an EPS of .09/share. On word of that news, the stock's price jumped significantly off its all time low of $0.04/share 3/16/09. Keep in mind that 2008 quarter 4 numbers still did not include production from the mine expansion. Quarter 1 2009 will be the first results actually including the new production. Due to ramp up adjustments, the true production results of the expanded mine won't be revealed until quarter 2 2009. Using a conservative coal price estimate of $60-$65, the earnings in quarter 1 2009 should far exceed those from quarter 4 2008. The balance sheet should quickly improve and for the next year or two, this company will be a true cash cow.Technicals:
Look at the chart below for CHGY.OB.

You can see the stock bottomed in mid-March and followed with a parabolic spike after the release of quarter 4 2008 earnings. What occurred next is a classic "cup handle". The stock dips as the day traders and quick flipper exit. Then, it slowly ramps back up on lower volume as investors begin to evaluate how much of a steal this stock really is. The sellers dry up and then the stock is consistently hit with accumulating buyers.
According to China Energy's latest SEC filings, it has 45 million outstanding shares. Approximately, 41.5 million shares are held by insiders who have yet to sell. That only leaves about 3.5 million shares for the trading public. Look at how heavily weighted the "blue bars" (which represents buys) are on the volume portion of the chart above in the last week. Based on the amount of buys, how cheap the shares are, and the number of shares traded the past two weeks, the float is incredibly thin. With Quarter 1 2009 earnings due out in less than 2 weeks, CHGY.OB has the makings of a rocket waiting to blast off.
A conservative EPS estimate for CHGY.OB in 2009 is $0.40 - $0.45. With its stock price currently sitting at $0.23/share, you're looking at the current year PE being a ridiculously low 0.5. An EPS of around $0.11 is expected by those of us who follow this stock closely for the upcoming quarter. However, very few people know anything about this stock, so these huge earning growth estimations are flying completely under the radar. I do suspect that some eye brows will be raised when China Energy's 10Q is filed some time around April 15 and people see 300% - 400% year over year gains in earnings. Sure, you could find some faults with this company, but I say the technicals and earnings make this the next perfect stock.
I had mentioned in a previous post that I might at some point include some stock market trading tips on this site. After contemplating that idea, I decided that it would be best to put those things on a separate blog. This blog is at and the first post deals with finding trading or investment relevant news. Check it out when you get a chance.
Happy investing!
ReplyDeleteWhat is your expectation for this one! When the run up start? what could be the best entry point??
Dave, short term I see a quick $0.40 - $0.50. Long term, this will definitely hit at least a $1.00 at some point this year. As far as an entry point, you could wait for a possible dip, but based on the chart, it looks like the train has already left the station.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little concerned about that train seeing as it's nearly 500% down the track from it's 52 week low of .04 just 3 weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteIt`s already up 30%great job card.
ReplyDeleteIt`s already up 30%, but i missed the ride since i was busy in the meeting this morning, but i`m in at .28cent let see.
took my 30 percent profit today, will be back if it sells off some. Thanks Card.
ReplyDeleteCard what price or prices did you get in CHGY?
ReplyDeleteCHGY and HAYZ took hits today but PIR was up 20% on earnings news and should be above a dollar pretty soon.
ReplyDeleteCant wait til your next selection!
ReplyDeleteCard, perhaps it's too late for a quick analysis, beyond what a favorable settlement of a patent infringement lawsuit provides, but FYI:
After Hours: 0.320 +0.185 (137.04%) - Apr 7, 7:59PM EDT
SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Spansion Inc. (NASDAQ: SPSN) , the world's largest pure-play provider of Flash memory solutions, today announced that it has settled its patent litigation lawsuits with Samsung Electronics. As part of the settlement, Samsung will pay Spansion $70 million and Spansion and Samsung Electronics Company have exchanged rights in their patent portfolios in the form of licenses and covenants subject to a confidential settlement agreement. The settlement ends the patent disputes between the two companies and is a significant step forward in Spansion's reorganization process, demonstrating the company's intense focus on improving its financial position in the current economic climate.
Thanks for reading P! Unfortunately, I won't reveal the price in which I purchase a stock I recommend (if I purchase at all). I know it's not that big of a deal, but when I started the blog, I decided that I would never disclose when I buy, how much I buy and when I sell.
ReplyDeletedhippe, I looked at SPSN a while ago, but all the bk stuff scared me off. It'll will be interesting to see how it reacts tommorrow if it opens anywhere close to the after hours hype.
Thanks for reading too J. I am a believer of quality over quantity and I intentionally keep my standards high. When the next diamond in the rough presents itself, I'll try my best to let everyone know. I just never know when that will be.
ReplyDeleteLove the blog, Card. I check in once or twice a day.
ReplyDeleteI haven't acted on any of your recommendations yet, but your analysis is insightful.
Thanks for the compliment Tim.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever short stocks? Stocks on average fall twice as fast as they rise. I think it's a good gig to get into. What do you think?
Juggernaut, I was short financials a bit during the market's slide, but in general I'm not a big fan of it. I leave that to the Timmy Sykes of the world. There are always pump and dumps ripe for shorting particularly in otcbbs and pinks. However, most major exchange stocks in spite of recent jumps are so far off where they should be trading. That's enough to scare me from shorting right now.
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in CHGY, why not GFRE? GFRE seems to be even more undervalued than CHGY, and yet it hasn't had the drastic upward swing yet. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteJuggernaut, GFRE seems undervalued and sounds like a pretty good play, but from a technical standpoint, it's immediate direction is not clear to me and I don't see that catalyst in the next two weeks to call it "perfect". Also, I'm not sure if I would say that it's more undervalued than CHGY. However, I would not be surprised if it took off.
ReplyDeleteGood call on CHGY, up another 25% today. I bought into that and am glad I did! What about GHII. Man, it's trading so cheap, and it looks like it has alot of good things going for it. . . Probably not a perfect stock yet, but one to keep in mind. Anyway, I appreciate all of the perfect stocks! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThanks to you Card, I bought in CHGY @ .23 and holding on to it, nice gain I see here, what exit price would you recommend ? Also, when is the next posting coming!!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to you.
That was perfect Card.
ReplyDeleteHow high it could go from here?
BlogUWhat and Dave, I strongly believe that the float on this stock is almost at zero by now. That's why it is rising so strongly on such marginal volume. Earnings will probably be out Wednesday. At this point I really think a dollar is in the cards. Most of the people that I have come across have no intention of selling until then. If earnings are what most people believe and volume is at least in the 500,000 range, it should get there this week.
ReplyDeleteI stood firm on my purchase price of .25 cents a share and didn't budge when CHGY dropped down to .27 cents a share.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I think I missed my opportunity. I might reconsider if it drops back down to .30 cents.
Thanks Card.
ReplyDeleteEarnings were pretty poor.
ReplyDeleteShares plummeted from 47 cents, down to 23 cents, and continuing to plummet.
Wow, CHGY was a disaster today. It looks like they closed a mine for awhile and didn't tell anyone. I guess that's why people don't trust Chinese small caps. When I intially recommended it, the share price was at $0.23 so it did double. I hope people took some profits.
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts to when this stock will get back up to the .38 range? Thats where I bought it, gonna have to hold on to this one a bit i fear.
Toxicity, it can get there again, but it probably won't be until 2 quarters from now. Nobody knew the coal mine was shut down because of the installation of fire safety equipment. After the mine reopens, you should get a big EPS number, but until then look for it to trade sideways for a while.
ReplyDeleteAll of the factors that made CHGY a perfect stock a while back are still present, no?
ReplyDeleteSeems like instead of taking off following Q1 reporting, this company could take off when it reports the really positive earnings the company appears capable of.
I've read their Q1 report and had a difficult time pinning down when the company expects to see the boost in revenue. Much of it had to do with having the fireproof renovations of the mine approved by the Chinese government, but that they expected the approval by the end of the second quarter.
Doesn't that make CHGY a perfect stock this Winter when they report their 3rd quarter earnings?
I think so Tim. There's a very good chance that buying back in 3 weeks or so prior to 3rd quarter earnings will be very profitable for investors.
ReplyDeleteThis stock is moving like crazy. It went from a recent low of .16, up to .32, back down to .25 and now up to .32.
ReplyDeleteNot sure why. I reread the earnings report, and the company is not expecting the revamped mine to lead to increased production until the 3rd quarter at the earliest. Are all of these recent investors going to suffer the same fate as those who jumped in hoping for a first quarter bonanza?
Tim, the rise was strictly traders playing the "bounce". It'll fall back before earnings.
ReplyDeleteI frequently hear people say, "Don't buy that stock, it's just being pumped.Allezoe Medical Holdings looks to have the makings of the next Perfect Stock.Because it's an energy company, they probably ratchet up the Chinese stocks have fallen completely out of favor with the market.
ReplyDeleteDon Blankenship