I cannot consider SYTO.OB as a true "perfect stock" because fundamentally, it's just not that strong. The company really has no current income and is in the process of transitioning to an entertainment company. Also, there has been no news to really justify a significant increase in share price. However, about 2 or 3 weeks ago the stock did something very strange. SYTO.OB was a $2.20 stock that all of a sudden dropped around 60% in one day on only 10,000 shares of volume. It continued to plummet to about $0.25 on just another 20,000 shares of volume. Keep in mind that this stock has over 85 million shares outstanding. Over the next few days the stock fell to $0.01 on higher, but still relatively low volume. The stock then consolidated between $0.01-$0.02 for several days and then finally popped today for a 147% gain. Reversals like this typically last for multiple days. The exact same thing happen to the stock QNTV.OB a week or so earlier. It ended up moving from $0.02 to $0.45 in 4 or 5 days. Technically, this was a classic "bounce" and many people see the same similarities in SYTO.OB.
Despite this stock being a little less than perfect, the technical perfection of SYTO.OB should yield at least another double from its current $0.047 share price.

Do you think we should see a slight dip tomorrow? and if so, should this be a good entry point?
ReplyDeleteAlso, whats your take on BBDA and RBDC for long holds?
GinVite, I doubt they'll be a dip. I suspect you won't see any profit taking until $0.10/share and it could get there quick tommorrow with all this momo. If the gap up in the morning isn't ridiculous, I think it's worth the chase. MMs could try a morning shake, but the buying volume should be to strong for that. Keep in mind SYTO is a trade only. I wouldn't hold it beyond Friday of this week.
ReplyDeleteI don't know enough about BBDA and RBDC to make a call, but typically, sub penny stocks can be painful as long term holds.
ReplyDeleteI missed when it went over .10cents to sell.
oh man,wish i would get another chance to dump.
I got in and out in 30 minutes and made 25%! I'll take that any day.
ReplyDeleteyou are really good at what you do...jumped another 300 percent today...
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to sign up for an e-mail or something to alert to a new posting? I often read these posts when it is too late to act on them.
ReplyDeleteI apparently haven't learned my lesson, and held too long! D'oh!
ReplyDeletesame here.. :(
ReplyDeleteHopefully we'll have another exit opportunity.. and this time, I won't be greedy (I hope)!
ReplyDeleteDo you think we going to get another chance to dump?
Tim, my post are random in that they can come at anytime. Usually, they'll occur late at night eastern standard time. If the blog becomes a big hit and a lot of people begin to follow it, I may become a capitalist and have a fee based alert system prior to my post. The stocks that I write about are always on my radar a least 3 or 4 days prior to a posting. In the future, I'll determine of others will find value in having that pre-post insight.
ReplyDeleteDave, there's really no telling where this stock will go now. Anything up or sideways in the next couple of days is positive.
ReplyDeleteThanks Card.
ReplyDeleteCard, Maybe set up a donation through PayPal.. im sure when people make money from your picks, they will donate.. I know I definitely will
ReplyDeleteI don't see a company that doesn't have a future as a perfect pick. There is really no reason this stock will ever recover. You had what. . .two seconds to sell? Come on Card, I know you can do better than this!!!
ReplyDeleteSince no one is going to respond, I figure I'll talk to myself for a bit. Card, you have a gift man, you really do! But, two gifts are better than one, and three are even better. As the proverb says, "If one man falls his friend will be there to pick him up, and a three stranded chord is not easily broken." So, I tell you guys what. . . GFRE according to my charts is going to explode up soon. It won't fall back down again where I first began buying it either. Why? It has extremely strong numbers, along with a good, solid, chart pattern. So, I give this blogspot one more perfect stock. Other than that, I would like to thank Card for all of the work he has been doing as of late. Your picks are great man, so I just wanted to add one more to your all ready great list! Chow.
ReplyDeleteWho said Card was a man? Just sayin.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks juggernaut. Hey, I'll encourage anyone that thinks they know of a great stock to post it. I may or may not view it as perfect, but that doesn't mean it's not a winner. I want everyone to make some money.
ReplyDeleteI try to pick stocks that I think are perfect, but I know I am far from it. Consequently, I hope everyone cuts me a little slack if I get a pick wrong here and there. The only thing I can control is the sound justification for my selections.
Emjanes, I am a man.
He's a man baby!!
ReplyDelete...sorry, someone had to.
Still holding strong on HAYZ. I know there is only a small correlation between GM and HAYZ, but do you think GM's recent negative publicity has been holding HAYZ back, or is it something else altogether? Do you still see this as being "perfect"?
Also, I don't know if it's something I'm missing on my end, or if it's how you're posting the blog, but is anyone else seeing the times as if they are posted in Pacific time? (3 hours earlier than Eastern)
ReplyDeleteBeachBum, I do not think HAYZ is "perfect" right now, because of the company's lack of news and earnings uncertainty. However, it still does have huge upside potential if the right news is released. From a technical standpoint, all the sideways action the past few weeks is very healthy. It could explode if right things are said.
ReplyDeleteThe times listed on the posting are wrong. I've got to go back into my blogger settings and fix it.
Its crazy how PIR is still chuggin along.. This was a crazy pick from you, i dunno if you can get a better pick lol.. too bad i didnt come across this site til a week ago, so no profits yet for me, i kinda lost my a$$ on SYTO, but all my fault since i was greedy.. im thinking about going all in on your next pick to recoup my losses, no pressure though lol
ReplyDeleteThat was an extremely humble response by Card. Wow! I want to invest with you card, not just read your blogs. PLEASE e-mail me with your e-mail adress at:Kolllar123@hotmail.com. Why? I know GFRE will make a HUGE jump real soon. Yet, I know you don't exactly understand my reasoning for it. Who cares? Okay? I honestly don't understand how you come to your conclusions all of the time either, but I do know they work! That's the bottom line with me. I don't wish or hope things would work out, but I demand that they do! You have some extremely good insight Card that even the Pros would be envious of. So, I am being extremely bold here to prove that I have the goods. After GFRE explodes. . . if it does ever. . . PLEASE give me an e-mail. But, I say wait. . I could very well be wrong! If you don't see or understand a thing, then I truly believe you should never invest into it. I didn't see SYTO, but it didn't or doesn't mean you were or are wrong! You have great insights Card, and I am willing to. . .well, just e-mail me IF GFRE skyrockets from the .50 cent range. We can then converse. I wish you only the best! p.s. I could very well be totally and completely WRONG with what I said about SYTO. I don't know anything! Okay? SYTO in a few years. . months. . days. . could be at $1 or so. . .what the heck do I know? Thank you once again for your humble response. You don't see that everyday! Thank you once again. Chow
ReplyDeleteSettle down, Hinkley.
ReplyDeleteOk juggernaut. Hey, don't get to caught up with SYTO. I never intended it to be a long term hold. The only thing I really saw was a double and fortunately it did that. I probably should have been more clear in the post about it being a quick flip. I never intended it to be in the same class as HAYZ, PIR, or CHGY. That's why in the post I wasn't as detailed with SYTO and stated that it didn't make the cut of a "perfect stock".
ReplyDeleteI usually try to shoot for 80% - 100% gains within no more than 3 weeks. Any stock I select that hits that bar, I'll consider it a success. However, you guys are own your own if you hold beyond that bar :)
CHGY was such a pure play, because it had such strong fundamentals to it. I bought that at .05 cents, but I thought, "Hey, I don't care if it goes up or down. What does it matter? In a year or two, I'll win for sure!" With that said, I sold awhile back when it went up like a water geiser! (Some, not all). So, people say, "Cool down Hinkley."
ReplyDeleteI say, "Go fish!"
GFRE has twice as much on the books as CHGY, so I am screaming, "BUY!"
But, you are right. I do need to calm down. Isn't that a rut all of us get into? We make a ton on a couple of good plays and then we get greedy. . . So, I am looking for another PIR, HAYZ, or CHGY . . .
Great stuff Card. . Great stuff!!!
Alright the talk of this blog is heating up on yahoo message board too! look at all the stocks been here on yahoo message boards, every one of them has recognized it. Nice work Card!! They are all gonna check it out.
ReplyDeleteCan we please just stick to the perfect stocks, not the almost perfect ones? I am done rambling. . . sorry.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like Card's "near perfect" stocks, just ignore them. SYTO was a great pick because you could've easily doubled up in a 2 day period, and if that's not good enough for you then I don't know what is. He said he would make it more clear in future posts if he thinks it will be a short play or a longer play. If you don't like his advice, then don't take it, simple as that.
Hey Card,
ReplyDeletewhat do you think of SPSN. it seems that the chpmaker will re-emrge stronger or be bought? it seems like its the perfect stock. what do you think?
ReplyDeleteWhat're your take on SIRI? It's been showing a lot of momentum over the past few days, was recently upgraded by the S&P, and is holding strong just below the .50 resistance line. If SIRI goes above .50 I feel it will be a quick run up to .75 and beyond.
Cceport, the delisting and bk status of SPSN causes me to rule it out as a perfect stock. However, they are due to get quite a bit of money from that lawsuit. I can't call it perfect, but I can certainly see it moving up from where it is now.
ReplyDeleteBeach, SIRI was a flat out miss on my part. It actually became "perfect" once bk was out of the picture. Although no one will classify it as such, it is really a part of the automotive stock push. I can see $0.75, but it'll be due for a breather soon. Too many shares outstanding to go much higher in my opinion.
ReplyDeletePIR is STILL going up.. today went up 0.29 (+20.57%).. WTF, im kicking myself for not getting in on this... all i see is red in my portfolio lol
ReplyDeleteI was into PIR before Card even posted it on his blog. Bought in at .15 and sold at .33.....definitely kicking myself for taking profits so quick, would've definitely made a nice chunk of change with that one.
Card, I still hold Hayz, can you throw some light on that stock. Today after hours it went to .16 cents, Hayz has declared the delay on their earnings report and also said an Independent Auditor raised going concerns on the company !!
ReplyDeleteWhat will happen to Hayz on monday morning?
Ok, I missed the discussion on Hayz post, sorry I should have posted this on Hayz post. Never mind, pls ignore!
ReplyDeleteWhen is the next post coming, I will be waiting eagerly to check it out.
BlogUWhat, I'm still looking for perfection. I almost put out a post on CEGE last night, but it just didn't quite meet my standard. Regardless, I think it can ride the coattails of Dendreon, but there just wasn't enough there for me to pull the trigger. It is doing pretty well today though.
ReplyDeleteHowever, to maintain the integrity of the blog, I don't want to make any compromises.
Looks like it woulda been a nice pick!
ReplyDeleteD - I was just looking and thought the same thing! Hate I didn't look at the comments earlier... I would have made the move.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work Card!
CHGY just tanked upon release of their 10k ... do you think now is a good time to pick up some cheapies?
ReplyDeleted, I'd give it a little time to find a bottom. You don't want to catch a falling knife.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever invest into anything that is not a penny stock? What do I mean? When the market was tanking, I was shorting CROX at 60. That was a beautiful, beautiful X 60 or so for me at 1. I then bought a bunch of real good stocks for little or nothing. One of these stocks was DRYS that makes billions of dollars that everyone thought was going to tank. Yet, it went from 3 to 17, where I sold at 12 to buy MTL at 2 and 3. MTL then turned into quick double for me! I guess what I am trying to say is that if you were fortunate to short LEH you could have had a X 100 in just a few months time. I don't know. . . I try to remain open minded on things. That is why I was so against SYOT. I would have been the one shorting it at it's top, not buying CROX back at one (or SYOT for that matter). It is just a thought. Okay? I use Americanbulls when buying penny stuff, and I OFTEN get X2s to x10s using that with little or no risk. As the saying goes, "Buy low, sell high." Love reading your stuff Card. You really stay on top of this penny stuff. Chow!
ReplyDeleteThink of it like this. . . Say you short a stock that is extremely over valued at say 100 or whatever. A few years pass. . . when that stock hits $1.00 you have SO MUCH shorted on that stupid stock that you could have bought 100 penny stocks, plus you don't give a rip what's going to happen next. What does happen next? If the company . . . from $1.00 to .05 cents you are not only looking at a x 20 or so, but you are doing it with big, big bucks that you started with a year or two earlier. You can then buy things that have a bright, bright future and buy and sell short-term with no or litle stress. Anyway, just a thought! Penny stuff is fun - okay? I'll probably be doing this stuff till the day I die no matter how much or how little I make or don't make. It is just fun! You are also really good at analyzing the news, data. . . and just doing the WOWS!! By the way, what do you think the long-term future for CHGY looks like? I know you only give advice on the short-term things, but I need to understand the long. . before diving into the short. That 10K thing really has me baffled. One minute CHGY was saying all of this positive stuff, the next it looks like they are having problems. I just don't get it! I smell something here that smells alot like. . . well. . . I've talked enough. I enjoy your blogs, and I look foward to your next PERFECT PICK.
ReplyDeletejuggernaut, you make a strong argument with shorting. However, more people make money with the market going up than with it going down. I prefer the prosperity of many rather than some. That's really why I'm not much of a shorter.
ReplyDeleteRegarding penny stocks, because there are so many due to do the economic downturn, it's hard not to play them. I could easily give people large cap winners like AAPL, RIMM, and the likes, but I shoot for 80% - 100% gains within a month. It's tough to get that with large caps.
ReplyDeleteI see that SYTO has dipped all the way down to $0.015 today. What are your views on this stock since it had its run up to $0.12 not too long ago.
Is this stock undervalued or simply out of gas?
Card, You have any picks on your radar for Monday?
ReplyDeleteAlso can you give me your take on ABIO.. its not a penny stock, but im thinking about long term inverstment.. its been doing really well recently
ReplyDeleteEli, SYTO is out of gas. You may want to follow it a couple of weeks to see if it catches fire with some news, but right now it's pretty dead. You had to be quick on the trigger to make money with this one.
ReplyDeleteD, I've got a new post up. Check it out! I'll have to get back with you on ABIO.