First of all, I cannot take all the credit for this one if it does do well. One of the readers of the blog named Aroramax, "bought" it to my attention last week. Now, I think is great time to pull the trigger.
Nuvo Research is a Canadian drug development company focused on the research and development of drug products that are delivered to and through the skin. The Company’s lead product Pennsaid, is used to treat the pain and symptoms associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Pennsaid has been approved for marketing and sales in the countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, as well as certain European countries.
Pending News
Currently, the Pennsaid is up before the FDA for US approval. If approved, Nuvo will receive an up-front, payment of US$10 million and is also eligible to receive a US$15 million milestone payment on Pennsaid's approval by the FDA, which will increase to US$20 million if certain labeling criteria are agreed to by the FDA. Also, the submission to the FDA was after the company had already received an "approvable letter" for Pennsaid. In other words, they were told by the FDA that if they just did a couple more things, they would get approved if they resubmitted. Consequently, NRIFF is almost assured of approval. It is scheduled to be announced on 8/5/09.
See below for the chart of NRIFF.

The stock did nothing for months, then it finally began to move beginning in May. After settling in the 30 cent area for a month and a half, this week marks the beginning of a breakout as the stock surges to new highs. Most people believe the stock briefly stalled in the low 30's due to warrant pricing. Those warrants finally expired earlier this week and seemed to correspond with the breakout. Looking at the volume chart, you can also see that the volume is beginning to pick up again as well. All signs point to a substantially higher move.
NRIFF seems to be following the same pattern as some other successful biotech stocks that were awaiting FDA approval. HEB and NEPH are just a couple of many names that more than doubled under similar circumstances. Investors/traders always keep in their memory banks what has recently worked. This should strongly work in NRIFF's favor.
Insider Trading
Because Nuvo is a Canadian company, you can easily keep up with Canadian insider transactions at . No insider has sold the stock this year, but several members acquired shares through a pre-approved ownership plan at just under 11 cents a share. The fact that we are now near 40 cents and still none of them have sold, has got to be considered bullish.
Everything is pointing to NRIFF really being a big winner in the next 2 weeks. Nuvo has quite a few shares outstanding (over 300 million), but because the share price is so low and interest in the stock is beginning to mount, the float is slowly, but surely thinning. Don't be alarmed by the number of shares traded on NRIFF.PK. NRI.TO gives you a much better indication of the true volume. The price of NRIFF.PK adjusts as the value of the dollar vs the canadian dollar changes. Currently the stock sits at 38 cents. I'm expecting a steady rise until the 5th and see 60 cents as an eventual trading level. Nuvo Research Inc. (NRIFF.PK) is the next perfect stock.
ReplyDeleteDo you know what I find so interesting? I am always one of the first to see one of your NEW picks? Why new Card? Why not old?
What do I mean?
CIT was a perfect pick from my perspective. You just played the hand wrong. The exact same was also true of NVAX.
Let me explain. . .
Have you ever played black jack? It is not so much in counting cards that makes a person impervious to losing, as much as it is in knowing how much to bet and when.
It is called doubling down Card.
When I first bought IGNT at one cents, it then went down a ton! I guess 'growth investors' would have then said, "Sell!"
But, truthfully, you can not sell if you have bought a ton. It just takes too long to sell it all if a stock is falling down way too fast. So, what do you do?
You double down if it goes low enough. You don't get scared, but you up the anty.
I not only did this with IGNT in the here and now, but I also did this with: MTL at 3. I bought more at 2. Sold at 5,6. I did this with Jaso at 2 or 3. I bought more in the 1s. Sold in the 5s. I also did this with DRYS at 6. I bought more at 4s and 3s. Sold at 11.
It is wonderful when a stock goes up right away! When I bought DRYS in the 3s the first time around and sold at 12, what a gift! When I bought Kerx at 20 cents range and sold above a dollar. . . what a gift! But, it doesn't always happen that way.
When I first started investing a few eons ago (only a few years ago with actual money), I just held fast to my belief in my picks no matter how low they went. Now I have more money, so I can double down on stocks, I have a firm belief in.
The point is investing in stocks is alot like gambling. If you play to win, then you will most undoubtedly win (Especially if you own the casino). But, you can't ever quit on yourself or on your investments. You just have to sometimes hang in there!
One more example. . . okay?
If you bought a property you wanted to 'flip' the best case scenario is that you are in and out in no time flat. But, probelms OFTEN arise. Would you just walk away from a property you just bought or would you do what it takes to sell it?
I would do what it takes to sell it! I may have to hang onto it for a bit. I may have to paint it a different color. Whatever the case, I am going to get my money out of it IF I know the value of it!
This is why value investors like Buffet end up being so damn rich! He doesn't just walk away from a million dollar investment, but he does whatever it takes to get his 'flip' out of it.
Lots of love Card.
Flip this junk!
Card, thanks for the shout.. by the way, my profile name was mispelled -- it's Aroramax not Arormax.. In addition, in the sentence after, you said "bought it to my attention." I think you meant to say brought it although it actually sounds like a pun! ha!! nice analysis!
ReplyDeleteSorry about that. I just made the adjustment aroramax. But I did keep "bought" instead of "brought". I actually just put it in quotations because I liked the pun too. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteI bought MEG this morning at $3.20 and sold during the first big spike at $4.50 as a safe play. It went well over 5 bucks before pulling back a bit. I'm now wishing I would have gotten greedy.
ReplyDeleteNRIFF's looking good. The volume is explosive just an hour and a half into trading (looking at NRI.TO). Don't expect 30-50% daily jumps with this stock. Just a steady ascent.
Earnings season is pushing the overall market higher. The big boys are finally joining the party. There may be some small pull backs along the way, but very soon the new trading range will be D0W 9000 - 10000. Even newspaper stocks (probably the last of the severely beaten down sectors) are starting to move.
ReplyDeleteIf LEE pulls back some, you may see a post on that very soon. Could be an easy double from a buck.
on the TSE is this stock NRI?
ReplyDeleteRyan2044, yes NRI and NRIFF are the same stock. NRIFF.PK is in dollars. NRI is in Canadian Dollars since it's on the TSE. Since NRI finished about 15% higher than NRIFF and the Canadian dollar is only about 9% higher in value than the USD today, the price for NRIFF will eventually get adjusted up. It's sort of weird how they do it.
ReplyDeleteOnly buy and sell using limit orders with these foreign exchange pinksheet stocks. I got some experience with how this type of stock operates owning Nintendo shares.
Keep and eye out for a major run (I'm talking 3 months) on the newspaper stocks. The biggest movers should be LEE and MNI.
ReplyDeletedid someone gain from MEDX...they had a huge spike due to the buy out news. The stock was trading at 8 bucks btu the buyout offer came at 16 bucks a share.
ReplyDeleteI saw that about MEDX, but I wasn't in on it. That's a good sign for VNDA/TTNP though.
ReplyDeleteI bought SOMX this morning at $2.65, but had a preset limit sell at $3.65 that I couldn't change in time during the spike. I left a lot on the table, but it's hard to complain about a profit.
Thanks Card!
ReplyDeletemakes sense that when I buy into a stock it goes down... Oh well.. I gotta catch one of these eventually....
I will hold onto NRI until that decision is made in August and see what it has in store for me!
your picks are great, I just can seem to react fast enough to them!
thanks again!
ryann2044, the stock was due for a slight pull back, but it should be temporary. Did you see how quickly that big "shake" this morning was bought?
ReplyDeleteI'm pounding the table on the newspaper stocks. If you see any sort of pull back particularly with LEE since its earnings are due next week, I'd suggest buying with ferocity.
Thanks Card!
ReplyDeleteWhat are you looking for out of NRI? what kind of exit strategy or certain PPS are you looking at? Im in at .43 and would be happy with .55+ Thats not asking too much is it?!
ReplyDeleteWhat`s up with DSCO!!!
ryan2044, I personally plan to sell 75% of my position a day or two prior to the expected announcement date (just in case it is announced early and the news isn't good) no matter the price. I'll then sell the other 25% after the announcement. That's a bit of a conservative approach, but that's what I'm comfortable with.
ReplyDeleteDave, I think today was just "Biotech Spec Day" with the MEDX buyout. The FDA news they got at the beginning of the month was crippling. It might get some carryover Friday, but it's not enough to suck me in.
If anybody wants to "roll the dice", you may want to consider buying AHC this afternoon. It's another one of those newspaper stocks and it reports earnings Monday. It's only got 20 million shares outstanding so if the numbers are like the other newspaper stocks have been, you could get a huge spike with a little volume.
ReplyDeleteOne other small tidbit on AHC is that of the 100 or so insiders transactions over the last 2 or 3 years, all of them have been sells with one exception. Early last month one of the directors bought around 50K worth of stock on the open market. Could be worth the gamble!
If anybody is getting discouraged about NRI/NRIFF.PK don't be. ADLS is a week ahead of them on the FDA approval decision calendar. That's why it's currently spiking. Once that's done, all that money should move into Nuvo Research. Just be patient.
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