Here's a really quick post at the The Perfect Stock blog. Everyone should be well aware of the stock RAYS.OB by now. It gave up about .40 cents in gains late afternoon yesterday. Many people sold in panic, but look at the recovery in today's action in the picture above. I believe RAYS is once again setting up as a Perfect Chart. Often times people just look at 1-day or 3-month charts in checking out the technicals of a stock. However, 15-minute charts over multiple days can also give you a clear picture of where a stock is headed. In spite of the drop on 11/02/11, you can see that the stock is still in an upward path. Very similar action occurred in its predecessor LEXG.OB. I believe RAYS will still head significantly higher just in a slightly less aggressive path. We'll see.
What do you think of Groupon IPO? you getting some at market open?
ReplyDeletePhaseIII, if the Groupon IPO doesn't open ridiculously high, I think it's worth the gamble. I wouldn't buy it at the open though. I'd probably wait 15 to 20 minutes to see how it trades first.
ReplyDeleteRAYS appears to be following the new path perfectly as my new post suggested. I'd like to see the volume start to pick up some though for even further confirmation.
What do you think of DROP, they just signed Tiger Woods to endorse their energy products
ReplyDeleteBeen out of commission the past week. The wife just had a bouncing baby boy. It's good to be back home.
ReplyDeletePhaseIII, I've got DROP on my radar. The Tiger Woods brand meant a lot more 2 years ago so I'm not sure of the upside. However, it is worth watching though.
RAYS looks like it was the victim of choreographed short raid lead by Timmy Sykes. It should recover some, but it's hard to say where it will end up in the short term.
Tiger's up thru 2 rounds so far this week. DROP could get a boost with a win.
ReplyDeleteHow about KV.A?
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new baby!
Thanks Michael! Rohan, I'm not a KV.A fan, but I'm watching it.
ReplyDeleteKeep a close eye on TRON the next few days. Suspicious volume yesterday (looks like pre-promotion frontloading). Could get pumped at some point over the next 3 days.
some interesting activity w/KNBA...any thoughts?
ReplyDeleteMichael, KNBA has had some suspicious activity indeed. It's on watch.
ReplyDeleteYou all also might want to follow STKO.
AMWI consolidates. I sure hope they test today's high during power hour. I wish I would have caught that first dip into the 12's, but didn't see the initial move. Had to settle for .15's.
ReplyDeleteLovin' the push on AMWI.
ReplyDeleteKNBA volume steadily increasing. Financial reports due out in December. This could be very interesting.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking for AMWI to trade in that .15-.17 range the rest of the day. I sold my shares at today's open. I'm hoping it fades closer to .15 by the end of the day, dips to the high .13's tomorrow morning, and then slowly recovers. I think it will eventually see the mid .20's by next week though.
ReplyDeleteDROP looking good as Tiger is about to be on CNBC pumping it @ 12:30.
ReplyDeleteCard - AMWI has low volume and didn't tank below 15. does it look like a good entry? or wait until it starts upward movement?
ReplyDeleteRohan, I think AMWI is going back up now. I bought it back in the upper .17's.
ReplyDeleteLOGL looks like a pretty low risk/ high reward play. Was shorted big time, but there's a pretty good chance they'll cover before the holiday. Anything under .65 should be good.
ReplyDeleteWatch EEE tomorrow... could pull a BIOF/PEIX
ReplyDeleteLiking AMWI for .30+ by tomorrow on breakout after 8 day consolidation.
ReplyDeleteCard - What you think of AMWI? Is it worth holding it? Or should I keep any stop loss?
ReplyDeleteRohan, I hope you didn't sell. The promoter for AMWI is Crazypenny. They are infamously known for their wild swings. Slow fades on vol that isn't too high are buying opportunities. Yesterday morning was tough to stomach, but I didn't get shaken out. The two week consolidation is typically not Crazypenny's MO, but I think that gave them plenty of ammunition to fight off the shorts. I'm thinking about taking half off at .27-.28, and then will consider riding the rest to .40 if I don't see any large dumping.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply Card. I came out yesterday at .222 (entry at .192) and got in today morning at .23.
ReplyDeleteI trade in small quantity since I have lost some money in past.
Some of the banks are making crazy moves. I'm looking for the next one.
ReplyDeleteBestdamnpennystocks has a pick coming on Wed. If you'd noticed recently, the new big promo generally causes the old successful promo to tank. AMWI could make a big move today or Tues morning, but I think a lot of people will dump it Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning as they ready for the "next best thing".
Card - How did you find this penny stock? You sent a message when it had a break out from consolidation mode. did you hear about this stock in a newsletter you subscribed to? or you have a some kind of OTC stock screener? I would like to learn finding this kind of stocks.
ReplyDeleteRohan, I try to keep up with most of the promos. About 3 weeks ago AMWI had a surge of volume out of the blue. That's generally the signal for a promo'd stock. After fishing around a bit you'll find out out that it's one of the big promoters. At that point it's just a matter of following it daily.
ReplyDeleteI sold the rest of my AMWI at .35. Looks like I was too early. I felt I was getting greedy so I wanted to lock in my gains. It appears it wants that .40 mark after all. Just know the big dump is coming soon.
ATRN is looking great for a bounce.
ReplyDeleteCard - Thanks for the reply and recommendations.
ReplyDeleteMy next questions would be how do you keep up with most of the promos? do you subscribe to them or you follow some sites?
I came out of AMWI around .27 which was very early. Now I figured they dump the stock after a huge run which might be today. But I am happy that I learnt something from that.
Please advise on the questions above so we can join you in finding great promos.
Rohan, I look for stocks with suspiciously high or consistent volume out of the norm. Also, stockreads.com has a lot of promo info there.
ReplyDeleteWow, .50 on AMWI!
ReplyDeleteJust got some HPCS. It's very suspicious looking.
ReplyDeleteCard - How is HPCS looking? was that just one day pump? or is it following some kind of pattern?
ReplyDeleteBTW, AMWI is wild
Rohan, I'm think HPCS maybe following AMWI. It might consolidate in this .07-.08 range for multiple days and then they might pop it. Hard to say for certain what it will do though because no one knows yet who's promoting it (assuming it is being promoted).
ReplyDeleteCard - Any views on AMWI. everyday new high....
ReplyDeleteRohan, AMWI is just insane. I figured it'd go to a buck today, but I didn't buy in. I think at this point everyone is waiting for a big midday drop to buy back in.
ReplyDeleteAlso, CSOC and HPCS are looking great if they close strong today.
ReplyDeleteWatching L2 for AMWI is incredible. The stock is already up a ton and you still see 3 different MM's with million+ share bids. This really could have another day in it.
ReplyDeleteAMWI is the craziest stock I've ever seen. Crazypenny holding true to their name.
ReplyDeleteDROP doing well
ReplyDeleteYep PhaseIII. I started to do a post on it this weekend. It has a lot of "perfect" characteristics. I picked up some .59s today off the first dip. I think .75 is a no brainer next week. If it can push past that technical resistance, it'll hit at least a buck. Gotta love the fact that Tiger seems to have found his game.
ReplyDeleteVery nice HOD close for DROP.. Lets see if Santa is gonna give me an early xmas gift next week
ReplyDeleteBTW, chatter for a good short is P, the share lockup ends Monday
Pullback was sort of expected in DROP. I sold the open and bought back in the low/mid .60's. If this closes anywhere over .65, it would still be trending up according to the charts. It's rare to find a Pinkie that's appears to be a real company. Load the boat if you see it break .76 with conviction.
ReplyDeleteDROP is really strong. Probably has a small pullback to the .70-.75 area first thing in the morning (absent of any news) and then it quickly pushes to $1.00 on big volume. Blue skies breakout now. Traders will be all over this one after they see the chart tonight.
ReplyDeleteRolling with DROP, ABAT (bounce play), and FROG (suspicious chart) today. We'll see what happens.
ReplyDeletewow. DROP on fire. What is your target sell?
ReplyDeletePhase, I was selling all the way up. DROP is one of the few stocks that trade almost textbook from a technical standpoint. Entry and exit points have been very easy to call. I sold at $1, $1.11, and $1.24. I saved the last little bit for tomorrow's open (hoping for a gap). I think it might need to breathe a bit though. My actual target was $1.50, but I'm not comfortable staying in after such a massive run now.
ReplyDeletenice call on ABAT... is it gonna follow DROP? lol
ReplyDeletePhaseIII, I'm watching ABAT closely today. If it's strong out of the gate, it should have no problems hitting $1. China stocks generally are not in favor because no one knows if the companies are real. ABAT just opened a $83M facility. It's at least real.
ReplyDeleteDROP will be appealing to me again if it dips to the upper .60's/ low .70's. There's heavy support in that area.
Just got back in on DROP. I don't think it'll go as low as I had anticipated now that they've released news today. Looks like the .75's this morning were golden. A green finish today would be extremely bullish.
ReplyDeleteHorrible finish for DROP even after the PR. Chart continues to show a downward trend. Makes me wonder if they are overdoing the diluting. Probably sees the .60's after all.
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone got there full allotment of ABOT shares at .04 or less. Here's to hoping for at least .10 by mid-day Monday.
ReplyDeleteLooking for ABOT to make another move today. Following a very similar pattern to CRWV and MILV.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I have an email inbox FULL of ABOT pump letters. Is it too late to get in to this thing? I'd have to dump a bunch of shares of something else to free up the funds, so normally I'd hesitate. But if this thing is going to be monstrous it might be worth it. What's she got left?
ReplyDeleteCard! Congrats on your baby!
Happy Holidays all! Starting to like ATRN at these levels after all volume traded the last couple of days. They have 17M OS and 100M authorized shares. 85M shares have been exchanged the last 2 days. They should be almost done diluting. .05 is possible once the dumping stops.
ReplyDeleteLooks like today is the day for ATRN's reversal. Wish I would have loaded more sub .01.
ReplyDeletePromos are hitting hard to start the year. POWT could be sweet if it breaks those .15 early enough in the day.
ReplyDeleteIMO, NSRS is the place to be the next couple of days.
ReplyDeleteI'm still riding NSRS and ATRN. I'll probably hold ATRN a little while, but I'll be out NSRS if it makes a big move tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteNSRS is looking great now. Looking for a buck on Friday. ATRN would do well if it consolidates these mid .04's for awhile.
ReplyDeleteCard - NSRS is still a buy for next week?
ReplyDeleteRohan, Crazypenny still seems to be working it to trap shorts. I'll probably buy back in next week once they are finish with all the trapping.
ReplyDeleteLSTN looks to be the next big money promo. $1.3M budget.
Had the wrong ticker. It's LTSN. It's getting a lot of buzz the weekend. If they gap it hard to the $1.20's, I think they'll tank it like they did WSML and pop it at a later date.
ReplyDeleteNSRS: $1 seems probable. $2 is possible tomorrow though.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't look like they are done with NSRS yet, but I am.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that looks decent now is XRMB.
LTSN looks ready to move back over $1. Performing very similarly to WSML.
ReplyDeleteAmazing strength in ECIT. Might have to add Bullexchange.com to the list of bankable promoters (they pumped this over the weekend). The Toyota news today didn't hurt either.
ReplyDeleteCard - what's up with BION? have you taken a position yet?
ReplyDeleteRohan, BION reminds me of XRMB and LTSN. MM's have been punishing those people that have tried to front-load a stock before a promotion. I think it's another pre-promo play. The general rule lately has been to stay away from them until the bounce from a tank.
ReplyDeleteMan, you could have gotten all the .30's you wanted a month ago in PROT. $6.50's hitting now. Insane.
ReplyDeleteHey Card,
ReplyDeletesi there any particular website or websites where you look for stocks that are being pumped or how do you get your hands on the marketing pieces that disclose the budget?
Wichisf, I just look for suspicious charts and then do Google searches on the ticker. The budget is always listed in the disclaimer at the bottom of the promo.
ReplyDeleteMy stocks on watch Monday: NSRS, MSTG, ANX, and GSVC
MSTG is still strong. 52 week high break will be interesting. BION never tanked. It's so hard to predict these. SIPN could be a money maker from these .07's after such a big fall.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to hold MSTG, WTII, and WGAS over the weekend. I'm waiting for a +20% daily move or $1.50 (which ever comes first) with MSTG. I think WTII will have news at some point before the bell Monday since that is how these promos have been working recently. Hopefully, it have a big move Mon. I also hope WGAS gaps Monday.
ReplyDeleteMonday's watchlist: MSTG, WTII, WGAS, ARCS, and DIGX
ReplyDeleteANTS could be a big mover again tomorrow according to the charts.
ReplyDeleteBORK got a major approval, but hasn't been officially PR'd yet. It's always been thin and typically moves multiple days. Could move huge.
ReplyDeleteXCLL ?? It has a $2m budget.
ReplyDeleteDaddykool, do you have a link for that XCLL budget? At one point it was listed on one of the Smallcapsfortune sites as $500K promo, but they took it down quickly. I know it got repumped recently, but I never could find a budget. It's not performing all that great right now, but it is worth following if it has a huge bounce.
ReplyDeleteCard, it came by snail mail. I don't have a link.
ReplyDeleteGot another mail for NSRS today, but the budget is only 250k.
ReplyDeleteThe XCLL letter was from Tim Fields of Untapped Wealth, and the budget $1,980,000 was given to Capital Financial Media if that's any help.
ReplyDeleteXCLL's promo budget went from $500K in Nov to $1.1M in January to $2M now. Seems like a lot of money being thrown at this for such small movement. It'll probably have a huge move via bounce at some point, but it seems like dead money now.
ReplyDeleteIMO, CDCAQ looks good for at least $5 by next week. Beautiful chart setup for another breakout even though it's already up a lot the past month.
ReplyDeleteAWSR is the new "NSRS" play. Caught the dip with a $1.23 average. I wonder if they make this one a little LEXGish.
ReplyDeleteTook a beating on AWSR. Everything is a risk. that's why you never bet the farm.
ReplyDeleteBought a little CURX here at .04. Looks like a promo is coming.
ReplyDeleteMaking back the money I lost in AWSR with CMEDY. Hoping for a big close. Missed out on CBIS and MJNA though.
ReplyDeleteYeah CBIS and MJNA, amazing price and volume. Ron Paul must be promoting them! I held on to CMED (now CMEDY) for a couple years and took a tax loss.
ReplyDeleteCard, there is this other pot play going at the moment, RFMK. Could be big. Have you checked it out?
ReplyDeleteBestdamnpenny stock supposedly releases a pick tomorrow. They frequently cancel picks, but hopefully it happens. Most think it will be HPCS. I was one of many that guessed POWT last time, but unfortunately I didn't act on it. Not making the same mistake this time even though it will gap down huge if it's not.
ReplyDeleteBFLX is also acting very strange. Other possibilities include CATA and USNL.
SNRV from Bottomline in my mail today, budget 400k. From a chart viewpoint, if it clears $1 resistance, it could go up to 1.50 or 2.25.
ReplyDeleteWould have loaded up on BFLX had I not gotten hammered on USNL. They had the exact same setup. Anyway, I still got some sub .30s in BFLX. Won't dare hold beyond today though.
ReplyDeleteIMO, keep a close eye on CSKI and CHNG Thursday morning. Chinese stocks being relisted on pinksheets, which is what is happening with these two, have been silent goldmines for traders. I made 150% trading CMEDY recently. The lower they open, the better they trade. Most of these have tons of shorts in them and they generally look to cover once they relist. My suggestion is to monitor the action for awhile. If it opens way below the last listed price and starts to trend up, it's worth trading.
ReplyDeleteCHNG looks ripe!
ReplyDeleteLook at that close on CHNG!
ReplyDeleteNice call on CHNG!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of SNPK? Is it a buy here?
PhaseIII, SNPK looks like the real deal. I think the easy money has already been made though. All these big money promos dip big at some point so I'm waiting to re-enter (got in at .37 and sold at .55). I'm looking for .40 as a place to reload.
ReplyDeleteAlso, keep and eye on LGHS. A rare fundamental OTCBB play. $2 seems to be a given, but $3-$4 is possible.
Watching SLMU makes me feel sick since I'm not in it. Was .02 on March 1st. Now tapping .80.
ReplyDeleteORGS budget 1.1m
ReplyDeleteStarted to nibble ORGS, but IMO the start price of this promo is way too high. Usually these tank first and you can make your money on the rebound.
ReplyDeleteKeep saying to myself that NEOM is about to tank, but it just keeps ripping higher. Ridiculous volume on nothing. Unfortunately, my brain just won't let me buy at these level.
ReplyDeleteUEC budget 500k
ReplyDeleteSTVF: $869,500
Card, do you look at fundamentals and high-volume breakouts besides typical promos? Case in point: JAZZ was less than $1 as recently as 2009 and went on to $50+ and looks like it wants to go higher.
Daddykool, I look at everything. If it's got fundamentals, a breakout chart, and news, it's better than a promo. I just don't deal with long term holds anymore. Been burned too many times.
ReplyDeleteUAPC 600k
ReplyDeleteDaddykool, STVF: $1.2M
Trades I'm watching today are SNDY and CCTC. SNDY has a potential textbook cup handle breakout. A big move on volume past $.013 and we might see .02 or more. CCTC is in play as a bounce if we get a quick gap fill past .067 IMO.
EMPM: $750K promo
ReplyDeleteSTVF is looking a lot lot STEV did a couple of months back. Could move big tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteLots of folks are looking to sell the gap in STVF in the morning. I'm hoping the MMs quickly drop it with all the selling to around $1.75 before they rip it to $2.50+
ReplyDeleteWatching VRML and STVF hard today.
ReplyDeleteSEFE: $2.2M promo
Keep an eye on WMIH (the old Washington Mutual stock) the next couple of days. All you need to know is that the shares outstanding is listed as only 2M. There's a high probability that traders will push this higher with that knowledge.
ReplyDeleteMister X's track record hasn't been too good recently, but AEDC is his newest. $1.15M promo.
MAGS looks like a strong play today. We'll see.
ReplyDeleteReally like QUMI. Lots of "perfect" qualities.
ReplyDeleteI got LTUS on watch tomorrow. Going from .OB to .PK doesn't seem like it's worth a 70% drop to me.
ReplyDeleteI have on watch the new ticker STNT. It's not really trading yet, but it's a "Stevia" company. The other two Stevia companies are STEV and STVF. Both were promo'd pretty successfully and have been able to keep a large portion of their gains. Could see some funny business with this one as well.
ReplyDeleteCurrently in nothing but promos. Figured at least 2 or 3 should actually pan out:
ReplyDeleteOREO: 1.8M
LUXR: 1.5M
SEFE: 2.2M
RSRS: $1.5M
SMA: coming soon
Bull Exchange: coming soon
So, SMA is SEFE. Should be good for at least $3 until there's a bear raid.
ReplyDeletePTAM: $950K and RACK: $1.49M promos
ReplyDeleteThe number of big money promos out now is staggering. Some are good and some aren't. AEDC recently upped their budget to $1.7M. Might be worth a watch. $2.1M was spent on NECA and it seems to have completely flopped.