Left Behind Games is in the business of developing and publishing video game products based upon the Left Behind series of novels. The Company also derives revenue from in-game advertising consisting primarily of fixed product placement. The Company focuses on developing products that are Christian based and offer a less graphic experience to sexual themes and gratuitous violence.
On Friday 6/19/09 Left Behind Games released some pivotal news that could jump start the company to some big sales. They announced that Wal-Mart, the nations largest retailer, has approved a test market in many of their stores for the company's video games. In addition, LFBG.OB is in the process of hiring new marketing representatives throughout the U.S. to directly market to other retailers, large churches and Christian groups. As a result of that news release Friday morning, the stock exploded over 400% to finish at $0.07/share. With a little over 200 million shares outstanding, the stock could have quite a bit of room to move.
At first glance you might be scratching your head regarding whether this company's concept of Christian themed video games can really make money. I'll offer a few strong points as to why it could do very well:
Profitable - The company has weathered the development phase in establishing its products. According to the one of the company's recent filings, because so much time and money in past years went towards development, it currently only costs LFBG.OB $1.50 to produce each video game unit. The games retail for around $20.00 a piece. So, you can see that the margin is ridiculously high.
Untapped Market - We all know how big the video gaming industry is. Software sales of video games are expected to exceed $21 billion dollars in the next 4 or 5 years. The company is already at the forefront of the Christian theme videos games. So, it is reasonable to project that even a small penetration of this niche could yield huge dollars.
Brand Recognition - As stated earlier, The Left Behind video games are based on the extremely popular Left Behind Book Series. These books have sold around 65 million copies in the last 10 years. Although it may or may not be that familiar to you, the brand itself has an unbelievable following.
Remember "The Passion" - In 2004 Mel Gibson took a leap of faith by personally developing and financing the blockbuster movie, "The Passion of Christ". He basically had to go about it alone, because no one believe that people would be interested in seeing a Christian based movie. He had a limited marketing budget and basically went directly to churches in hopes of gaining viewer support. To make a long story short, the movie went on to be one of the highest grossing movies of all time and it has been estimated that Mel Gibson and his production company grossed nearly $1 billion when factoring in international sales, DVD sales and television rights.
I think it's safe to say that Christians aren't a bad group to market.
The stock has done virtually nothing over the past year. It had a high of about $6 a share about 3 years ago, but with some dilution over the years, it probably equates to around $1.50 - $2.00 a share now. However, the company has never been in a better position to really do some big things until now. So, for the sake of looking at technical indicators to see if the stock can potentially move higher, I'll focus just on the chart from Friday.

As you can see from the chart, the stock surged to $0.14/share around the first hour of trading. After a 50% re-tracement, the stock consolidated by settling between $0.065 - $0.08 per share the last 3 hours of the trading session. You can tell by the two high volume buy spikes in the last hour that the MM's were in share collecting mode after the morning spike. If a 2 million share buy can't even move the stock a penny, you know they were in control. However, MM's are more inclined to run a stock the next trading day if there's been a satisfactory re-tracement (50% is standard because all these MM's are just computer based algorithms anyway) coupled with a push from new buyers. With so many buyers at or above the current share price and such a compelling story, I'll guarantee that they'll be a gap up Monday morning.
With the press release occurring on a Friday, there really was not a lot of time available for investors/traders to do any thorough due diligence for such a relatively obscure company. Of course the fact that Wal-mart is willing to sell their product is the main reason for the quick surge in the stock price. However, I think it is clear that this company has great potential and that others will want to invest come Monday. I've haven't even mentioned the award winning CEO who happens to be one of the founding developers of the popular 3D Madden Football games. I tend to be a bit hesitant of stocks that have already had a big run-ups. A lot of times, it's "even money" if the stock continues to rise or tanks the next trading session. However, although I can't guarantee it, all the signs are pointing to this one having a big follow up day. I can't say that I have a good feel for entry or exit points, but if things go well, we'll see 20 cents or more tomorrow. Personally, I'd be content with that. However, with such strong prospects, it wouldn't at all surprise me if a lot of people put this one in their long term portfolio. LFBG.OB potentially the next perfect stock.
Card, I did get into this one following your 'heads up' on Friday. I also feel that this should get to 0.25 at leat come Monday, though going long till Christmas is also a great idea. Lets see the ride tommorow- Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI heard the first game was terrible.. It's likely that the second game will be too.. Then again "The Passion" was a pretty bad movie as well.
ReplyDeleteSandy, it looks to be holding pretty strong after the morning shakedown. We'll keep our fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteAroramax, supposedly, there's no blood and guts in the game. I'm sure that has a lot to do with why it wasn't given high marks. I think the strategy is not to as much entice the gamers, but more so gamer parents and grandparents. But you're right. If people buy it, who cares.
Hey Card,
ReplyDeleteYeah, I heard about the "power of influence" instead of using swords and other weapons. Albeit I was referencing the game in general and how it was deemed pretty poor. Let's see though, this latest game may be a game-changer? Not sure if there have been any reviews for the title.
On the sales note, there's no doubt in my mind that Kirk Cameron's popularity within the far-right community will definitely help the game in terms of potential sales not to mention having Wal-Mart. After all, Mr. Growing Pains was the main actor in the Left Behind movie created after the NYTimes best-seller book.
If movie sales are any indication (no matter how bad the movies were) of how the video game sales will do, then investors are in for a serious money-makin armageddon ride!
ReplyDeleteTORONTO -- Consumer sales for Left Behind II: Tribulation Force, the sequel to the wildly successful Left Behind: The Movie, are expected to be solid as initial placement in stores for the film have greatly surpassed its predecessor by nearly 40 % (2 million for Left Behind II: Tribulation Force in October 2002 vs. 1.4 million for Left Behind: The Movie in October 2000). The movie is releasing nationwide on DVD and video on Tuesday, October 29th and will be followed by an industry-first combined theatrical and church release two months later beginning on New Year's Eve.
Is this the same company that was able to override the "Nintendo Chip" without legal prosecution in the early 90's? I know that back then Nintendo would go after anyone that would produce an unlicensed game for their console but stopped short with a religious group and was doing faith-based games due to fear of potential negative backlash.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure Askani, but I do know that LFBG has a valid license with the Left Behind founders. The original writers of book are even pumping the video game on a video promo on LFBG's website.
ReplyDeleteBTW, thanks for the tip, turned a nice little profit. Would have been nicer if I would have seen your post on Friday though! You got a gift.
ReplyDeleteAskani , this post was not posted on friday. LFBG was just in the comments section of the prev post , that too after the upside rally has started moving sideways...btw a good buy nevertheless. I think there is still a lot of upside to this one.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't even come close to .25. Anyone have any thoughts for the remainder of the week?
ReplyDeletePowerOfSpokenWord, the stock is holding up very well after a blistering initial move. Although today's trading is not as flashy as Friday's, the technical action of spiking, retracing, and consolidating are extremely healthy. It conveys a strong sentiment for the stock which should bode well for tomorrow. After today's high of 11 cents, 14 is the next key line of resistance. If you're in the stock and decide to hold overnight, you should sleep pretty comfortably.
ReplyDeleteCard -
ReplyDeleteThanks for the response. Pretty great finish today, huh? Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the best exit point, this will cont.. for next couple of days???
It's hard to say Dave. A lot of people like this one, particularly with so few winners in a short term down-trending market. I've already mentioned several times that I'm not the best at picking exit points. However, I think if tomorrow is solid, it wouldn't surprise me to see it run all week. Investor relations has hinted that another release could be coming soon. If it's another good one and they time it right, this will go to 25-30 cents easy. Right now though, I'd say 14 cents as a decent near term exit point.
ReplyDeleteYou guys might want to check out CGEN today. It could be a big winner for a quick flip!
ReplyDeleteMy "heads up" plays are usually a little late for you guys so I figured I'd be earlier this time. Really watch ARWR. The stock is currently at it's bottom and had huge news after hours. I'm looking for $1.50 today under the right conditions.
ReplyDeleteSo much for .25 on LFBG...yikes
ReplyDeleteLFBG was very clearly a penny stock newsletter pump and dump. It wasn't a perfect stock at all, not even close. Especially in a market as shaky as the one we're in now, unless you're a day trader working a momentum play and able to watch the bids in real time for the high to dump it at you have no business buying it.
ReplyDeleteCard seems to have made some nice calls in a bull market rally, with some nice gains but right now these picks aren't as common. I'm actually quite curious about Card's lack of disclosure of any positions he holds in these picks of his, and if he receives any compensation for them.
With those penny stock newsletters they at least sometimes will tell you what they get for pumping the shit they try and push on people. To see "great potential" in a maker of Christian video games? Give me a break.
Same for todays target of $1.50 for ARWR. That may have been realistic two weeks ago when people were jumping on any biotech play and running it up leaving a ton of people holding a worthless stock until possible FDA approval, gambling at best. The window to make money on the 'heads up' today was there if you had bought the stock the day before, or were able to be one of the people able to get in a buy during the first three minutes of trading and then selling three minutes after that. That is unless you held onto the stock waiting for the $1.50 gain because honestly, considering the past week and a half of trading riding the bounce today was a perfect situation for this stock.
Card, you used to present fundamentals and nice technical analysis for your picks. I'm sorry but "The Passion was popular and made money" is not a valid argument for purchasing a Christian video game stock in a market that is stuck between a bear and a bull.
ReplyDeleteIn defense of your picks, I've been able to make money from your last two. Now, as a disclaimer, my day job allows me to stare at the bid ticks. While I agree with "eurotrashoak" that these last few picks have lacked proper financial basis, I never the less feel that you either:
A) Have information I Don't
B) Have enough influence that your picks do push the stocks up
As with any picks people might pickup on the net, one must do their due diligence and understand the proper "opportunity window" presented.
Thus, keep the picks coming :)
I just want to make it clear that I'm not against Card posting these picks that he presents, but I am just weary of a pick that is a pink sheet stock that was also presented in a lot of 'compensated' trashy newsletters.
ReplyDeleteI'm also aware that Card has said on multiple times that he's not good at picking exit points, but some of his targets seem to be only possible in a bubble bull market rally if at all. Expectations are the responsibility of the investor or trader to keep in mind, but if you're going to be posting things it may be wise to not make your expectations sound like BestPennyStockTenBagger.com.
When I have been reading through the comments of some of these posts, a lot of people are actually using these picks and goals as stops and exit points. Does that make them stupid? Yes, it does because they should be doing their own due diligence but on the other hand why publish ridiculous claims if you're not also invested in the stock you're pumping?
Disclosure is always a good thing.
ReplyDeletecheck this out...the letter from the CEO. especially the last part... I am buying on dips !!!
ok i waited for the OBVIOUS dump..in at .0450, looking for a new scam pump to .07
ReplyDeleteLFBG....ya baby...didnt i post here i was buying on dips....
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I'd like to say that after reading what Card has to print, do your own freakin research. I mean honestly, he's just providing his commentary so if you don't like it then (excuse my language) fuck off.
ReplyDeleteEven though I think LFBG is a comical company it has huge potential in terms of relative near-term growth.
Aromax, do you realize what the comments section of a blog is for? It's not just for kissing ass, saying thanks and giving out high fives.
ReplyDeleteI'm just providing my commentary, so to paraphrase "if you don't like it then (excuse my language) fuck off". I'm just hoping Card will give us his two-cents on my questions concerning the 'newsletter nature' of the ARWR and LFBG picks.
I do my own research, which is why I didn't trade either of these two stocks. I think people should always do their own research before trading, but I think it's also important that they have disclosure from sources they read so they know where the comments are coming from. I take everything with a grain of salt, but if a newsletter pump-and-dumper received 5,000 shares to advertise something then I'll get a bucket of salt ready before reading.
It's only logical so save the vulgar language for another forum.
That was uncalled for...
ReplyDeleteI though Eurotrashaok presented some interesting points, and did so quite clear and politely.
If we go down this path it'll turn into a google discussion group, which won't do any of us any good...
wow, got screwed, had order set for .07 (got in yesterday at .045 as posted) but it hit .0699...
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delay guys in getting back to your posts. I came down with something and have been out of commission for a couple of days.
ReplyDeleteEurotrashaok, first thanks for reading the blog. I respect all opinions whether positive or negative, so I take no offense to any of your comments. I stand behind every pick I've make whether they are good or bad. I have stated before that although the blog is called "the perfect stock", I certainly am not so I'll get my fair share wrong. This is the first time I've seen you post here. I think if you thoroughly looked at the blog's brief history and reviewed the random nature of the stocks I've picked in the past, it will be pretty clear that I'm a small time guy receiving no compensation. I pick stocks based on things I feel can make people money in short period of time. Personally, I still like LBFG. A lot of people like to lump all pink sheets and OTCBBs together, but I think a lot of that comes from "investors/traders scorn". I believe with a little time it will move up substantially. I could be wrong, but there's just something that feels different about this company, CEO, and concept. A feel is something you have or don't. I feel it, you don't. It okay to disagree. To each his own. We'll know in time.
Also, please note that I only fully recommend those stocks that get a full post. I'll randomly give "heads up" during the day on certain stocks that could (I repeat could) do well that day, but don't confuse those with the 11 stocks that I have deemed as "perfect" doing that period of time. Good luck to you!
One more comment Eurotrashaok. I find it interesting that you stated, "The Passion was popular and made money is not a valid argument for purchasing a Christian video game stock". I only mentioned that as an example that Christian based concepts can make money. A lot people (like you obviously) will automatically assume that it won't. Also, you only picked out one of 5 or 6 things that I mentioned as to why you thought I didn't do a good job in conveying why LFBG was a good investment or trade. Are you also suggesting that a relationship with Wal-Mart, brand recogition, being able to produce the games super cheap, and short term momentum are/were not justifiable reasons to buy this stock? If you don't, that fine. However, I'll continue to point out any stock that I feel has strong potential. I let others decide if and when they want to act on that recommendation. The disclaimer at the bottom of blog should say it all, but the fact of the matter is that you could have made 50-60% on your money already since my post if you were fortunate enough to pick good entrance and exit points (remember it went from 7 to 11 cents on Monday before falling back). That so far doesn't meet the standard of my blog (which is 75%-100%), but it's not bad either.
ReplyDeleteHey Card, i like the idea of your heads up picks, please continue with them when you can. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIGNT is looking good. They have a real product and they have just begun trying to sell it. I just don't have ANY opposition as to WHY they won't be able to sell what they are trying to sell. (Look it up if you don't know what I am trying to say). Whatever the case, I don't read your posts anymore Card. I don't mean that as a put down or anything, I just . . .
ReplyDeleteWell, ALOT of your picks have gone down man. I am talking they weren't perfect at all. . .though . . well. . . I am NOT trying to kiss anyone's butt here. . but I see you as a pretty cool dude (A good guy so to speak). So, I thought I would drop you a line and let you know what I am doing.
My picks over the last year or so have all been winners (Total luck if you were to ask me. . My next one will probably end up in bankruptcy or something). All I told you about was SPNG (I bought at 5 cents, sold in the 20s), but I wish I would have gotten in on that one six months before it ever began it's rise (At 1 or below).
It's ALOT easier to lose money, then it is to gain it. MOST people are offensive when it comes to stocks, but I am so defensive that you would think I was a turtle hiding in it's shell or something.
IGNT RIGHT NOW just looks like a real good defensive play to me. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be telling you about it now would I?
p.s. It could move upto 20 cents like SPNG did, but I wouldn't count on it. I also see SPNG as a mistake I made (even though I quadrupeled my money on it). Why? I was in a rush, and I try NEVER to be in a rush. As it is said, "The most important people are NEVER in a rush, so why should you be?"
Good luck to you.
God Bless.
juggernaut, I'm sorry you don't read the posts anymore. So, you probably won't see this comment, but I'll make it anyway.
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned that a lot my picks have gone down. I think you are forgetting the nature of blog. I've stated before that in my opinion a stock is "perfect" only for a finite period of time. It could be an hour, it could be a day, or it could be a week. I look to find stocks that can make people 75%-100% quickly. If you hold for more, you are doing so at your own risk. For the most part, the stocks I have chosen have done that (CPE wasn't a very good pick). You have stated in the past that you are more of a buy and hold guy, which is fine. However, that does conflict with the premise of the blog. My preference is more so for people to make their money and then move on to preserve profits.
Anyway, feel free to drop me a line if you decide to come back. Good luck to you as well.
Heads up on XYNH!
ReplyDeleteCard ,
ReplyDeleteanother late heads up...missed on a potentially great rally
though this one could be a pump and dump...what do you think ?
Askani, Eurotrash's comments were feeble at best and not interesting in humble opinion. By the way, I mentioned "excuse my language" and if you don't like my langunage then fuck off.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of popular - high volume blogs such as Daily Kos where folks constantly use curse words.. If you don't like it, then join the romper room pal.
XYNH is trending down.. SPPI is good play up till their expected approval on 7/2
ReplyDeleteAnkeet, I don't think it too late. If it goes past 4 cents, look out.
ReplyDeleteI know you mentioned using Banc for your trading, what kind of level II quotes do you use?
ReplyDeletefisharea51, I'm not much of level II user. I go more on trading patterns and psychological barriers for stocks within certain time frames. In my opinion MM's are too good at hiding trades on level II for me to be a consistent user.
ReplyDeleteI nibbled here $0.025. If it holds up in this area, you'll get a gap up tomorrow at a minimum. Although, the technology is different, this is in a similar space to NPWS. Profit takers over there may look to move some of their profits in XYNH. Without doing too much research, I think it's worth a nibble simply as an Obama auto play.
ReplyDeleteCard, check out SWME -- this is moving up quite drastically with no current news..
ReplyDeleteIt isn't that I don't read your blogs anymore, but I kind of look at them as I do with the Investor's Business Daily. I HATE investing in stocks that are all the rage. Okay? Instead, I look at things that I can put millions on and KNOW that I am NOT going to lose. It is a way of thought. . .okay? So, ALOT of people party with stocks. . they have fun with the stuff. . .as they do with gambling. . .they win some. . they lose some. Fine. Whatever. When you have made 2, 3, 400 million, then you . . . Hmmmmm. . . I teach people how to invest. . okay? You said in a prior blog that you wanted to hear what I had to say or you respected my opinion. I smile. Why? MOST people don't want to become GREAT investors, as much as they are just looking for a quick flip or buck. YOU DON'T FLIP A BILLION DOLLARS! So, it's hard . . . extremely hard to THINK like a successful investor. . . before you actually are one. That is what I am beginning to teach people . . . Just ask yourself . . . very hard to think like this. . but just ask yourself. . IF I had a billion dollars how would I be thinking. . would I be looking for the quick flip? Would I be looking for the next party? Would I be relying on luck or more on skill? Yes! You have a general understanding of charts. . probably ALOT better than me. Yes! You follow the news. . probably ALOT better than me. But, well, I talk way too much. Just watch what IGNT DOES over the next year or so. THIS IS HOW I THINK ABOUT ALL OF MY QUICK FLIPS. It is why I don't lose. I say, "I know this stock will be here in five to ten years guaranteed. If selling for 1 penny today, I then buy. But, I NEVER buy thinking, "This is where it will be tomorrow or a week from today." Why? I can't handle the stress. That would be like driving 85m.p.h. down a freeway. Sooner or later you will get a ticket. If you don't slow down, sooner or later you will lose your liscence. Yet, you. . . YOU have yet to get mad at these stupid, idiotic, posts of mine. That is extremely odd! MOST people if they don't have proof of BIG BUCKS would just get mad at me. YOU? YOU seem to give things THOUGHT. Most people DO NOT. God Bless. p.s. Writing your blogs is extremely good for you to do! (You will learn alot from doing that)! I know I do. (I have a book coming out sometime in the next 100 years or so. . . smile. . . maybe alot like these computer programs or games. . maybe Wal-Mart will even be selling the stuff. THE BILLIONAIRE PLAN. . is what the . . ) But, I wrote it mostly for entertainment. . . 15 years ago!!! Wow! It's been a long, long time!!! Two years ago, I then started putting these principles into motion. . I just NEVER thought the stupid stuff would actually work! Smile. See you!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou guys need to check out DRL. I'm considering doing a post on it. It lacks quite a few things fundamentally, but it looks perfect from a technical standpoint coming off a nice double bottom. Also, the short interest is nearly half the float. If this stock gets some buyers, it will quickly move from the current $2.50/share to at least $4.00/share as the shorts cover. Keep an eye on DRL.
ReplyDeleteThey say an unteachable person is an unlovable friend. I don't know if that is true or not, but I do know one thing. You didn't erase my post, but you erased the other one. That is odd my friend.
So, I'll show you something.
MOST people gamble when it comes to stocks. I do not. I know. . you may be thinking, "I am broke."
But, I know you aren't.
You are an engineer with a great head on your shoulders. That is an awesome place to start.
So, now watch this. .
2 x 2 = 4
4 X 2 = 8
8 X 2 = 16
16 X 2 = 32
32 X 2 = 64
64 X 2 = over a million if you started with a mere 20 thousand and doubled it a mere 6 times. . DO this a few more times. .
128 X 2 = 256
256 X 2 = over 5 million .we are now at a mere 8 doubles. . short this all on a crox and you would now have . . . 60 X 5 = 300 million.
So, I am going to begin with IGNT for anyone who is interested in learning something new. Am I taking over this blog?
Card is ALOT cooler than me! But, I'll get everyone to 300 million if they start with me now.
Keep it cool Card.
THE IGNT deal is good.
ReplyDeleteBut, I'll be honest with you Card.
You have no idea what you are doing. But, I see a good heart and a good mind in you! In other words, I see a friend. As the saying goes, "It's not what you know, but it's who you know." Yet, you still need a skill. Just as being a good engineer is a skill and can be taught, so is being a good investor. You make okay money now as an engineer, but times 1,000 that and it will be what you will be making with me. Give me an e-mail when you are serious about learning a new trade. I am starting an investment company and I want you to be a member of the firm. God Bless. jkollar1@msn.com
juggernaut, I have never erased any of your post. So, I don't know what could have happened to that post.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'll email you to see what you have in mind regarding your investment company idea.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletecheck this out for IGNT
IGNT is interesting from a technical standpoint. If it can break out of this consolidation phase, it could move up quite a bit. I'm still trying to get a hold of the fundamentals of it though. At first glance, the only thing that bugs me is all the shares outstanding.
ReplyDeleteAll of your picks outside of PIR have been pump and dumps and unless timed perfectly have resulted in losses. You can't tell me you've timed each of these perfectly. Have you been profitable with these picks? You seem to pick them after the volume and price pick up and the following day they see a small rise before they crash. They are pump and dumps rather than investments.
I want to know, what has been your percent return and how much do you put on each stock?
Juggernut--tell me more about about your company.
If you ask me, Card DOES exactly what I have been doing over the last two years or so. If he has been successful at it or not, this is NOT the question. The questions is: Card is the only person I have found that is trying to DO exactly what I have been doing.
ReplyDeleteThe stock market only recognizes ONE thing - STRENTH. Due to this one fact, the small guy will OFTEN get trampled on by the men or women with deep, deep pockets or contacts. Card is an engineer by trade. So, let us begin the construction of his skyscaper!
In running up a giant staircase, you would want to fall foward near the top. But, I would then go so far as to say, "Going down or shorting stocks is ALOT easier than going up or going long on them." It is WHY I love the bear markets versus the new bull we are NOW in.
Yet, we have to work with what we are given, so let us work with it!
Does that make sense to you guys? If it does, then we are all at the bottom of a giant, giant staircase and not at the top. We should then be looking for companies that have a long, long ways to go. . .
In picking a solar company your best bet would be: FSLR. That company was founded in large part by the same people who founded WALMART. So, with First Solar you have an extremely solid foundation for you right there. It's earning reports are also always: A+++. Yet, it is still trading in the 100s and started from the 20s. So, you won't make as much money as something as. . .
I hit JASO once in the ones and once in the two or threes for a quick two or three week double. I did the exact same with: YGE. I then sold and have NOW moved onto. . .
ICPR used to be trading at 3.
NOW it is at 15 cents or near it's all time bottom. Plus, American Bulls for it's weekly says, 'BUY' if it looks good on Monday. So, you put a buy on a limit price and place your bets for Monday.
Could I be wrong?
But, who cares?
The japanese man who started the candlestick method (American Bulls) ended up with about 100 billion or so. So, who am I to question him?
Plus, I did this with: JADE, FUQI. . and a few others I saw potential in. . Ended up with 2 to 400% gains.
So, I say, "Let's give ICPR a try." But, most of all, I say, "Go Card! This is your year buddy! Go for it! Don't EVER look back at any of your mistakes. Why? The greatest mistake anyone has ever made is never making one in the first place."
We LEARN the most from our mistakes, not our successes.
IGNT I also will NOT sell, until I have made my money on it. Like I said, "We are at the beginning of a long, long, new bull."
If you think we are still in some kind of bear, I truly don't think what I am saying will work for you. When ANY of my stuff goes down, I NEVER, EVER sell. Like Buffet says, "Rule#1 NEVER, EVER, lose money. Rule#2 Never forget rule #1."
Have a great 4th everyone!!!
jsd, I've done pretty well with the 11 or 12 "perfect stocks" I've blogged during that period of time. I lost a decent amount during the market's slide at the end of 2008, but I've basically made it all back the last few months. I'll also admit that I haven't bought every company I've provided a commentary on (mostly because my funds were tied up elsewhere).
ReplyDeleteYou can't really question my ability to select entrance points because they are pretty clearly stated in the posts. However, I've told everyone that I'm not great at exit points. So, I try protect myself by profit taking after 50 to 60% gains (limit sells are my best friend). I'm small time so I never risk any more than I can afford to lose. Also, I never invest so much to where if I personally take profits, it tanks a stock. Remember, the blog shoots for 75-100% gains quickly. If you hold on for longer, you're doing so at a huge risk. Much like juggernaut stated, I try to take what the market is giving me. With the stock market slowing down, you'll probably see me post less because I don't just look for winners. I look for "justifiable" winners.
A lot of newcomers to the blog will look at the posts now and say that all the selections were loser picks. However jsd, you've been around long enough to know that if you would have gotten into most of the stocks when I've suggested and took your profits, you would have made some good money. You can call my selections pump and dumps if you like. I think it's more trading the market's psychology. I believe a lot of that psychology is based on sound reasoning. You won't see me write a full post on anything unless in my eyes there's some sound reasoning for it to move up. That's the method I have found that has worked best for me. You have to decide what works for you. "Reasoning" and a solid track record thus far is what set's apart my blog from others.
NRIFF will at least double from .30 to .60-.75. I said it here.
ReplyDeleteAroramax, I like your thinking. If NRIFF closes between 35-40 cents at some point this week, it's off to the races from a technical standpoint. Then, it'll ride the "FDA approval wave" until August. The only thing I don't like about it the high number of outstanding shares, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a deal breaker. Nice find!
ReplyDeletesorry card, but i have to agree with some of the people here.. the last few "perfect" stocks havent even came close
ReplyDeleteGHII down 29%
CPE down 47%
TTNP down 22%
MBRX down 57%
LFBG down 48%
Most if not all had little to no chance of even seeing profit
LFBG is up today big time -- they signed up on a distribution agreement with Take-two..
ReplyDeleteregarding Gin Vite, it's a matter of getting in and out at the right time.. at the same time, the play is pure speculation..
LFBG....Rocking today ...
ReplyDeleteGreat news on LFBG today. Seems they inked a distribution deal with Take-Two Interactive (publishers and distributors of Grand Theft Auto). I am a bit surprised that investors dont understand the significance of this deal. With both Wal-Mart and Take-Two on board, I think LFBG could really do well.
ReplyDeleteGin Vite, these are not long term holds, these are swing trades, you are buying into momentum and you need to sell into momentum as well. I doubt the 75-100% gains the blog strives for are possible, but these were very easy to swing for 30% or more gains, as long as you didn't get greedy. I did get greedy and left a lot of profit on the table and took some losses as well.
ReplyDeleteGHII .20 --> .26 ===> +27%
MBRX .62 --> .91 ===> +44%
Stocks I held onto too long:
TTNP (-22%), TPGI (-30%), CRXX (-30%)
However, these are definitely my own fault, as the prices climbed I had chances to sell, but held hoping they'd go up, as they dropped I held, hoping they'd go up. As they went to the negatives I couldn't bare to sell at a loss, so I held. Eventually I just sell for a loss and let that money work for me in other, better opportunities.
If you use this blog as its intended and ride the momentum that surrounds these picks, it is very useful. Anyone holding long term on any of these stocks without researching what the companies are about and making your own decisions, well, you are simply fucking retarded.
Card you do a fine job posting potential trades for each person to decide for THEMSELVES.
Jason, thank you very much for your comment. I thought I was being clear in explaining the purpose of the blog, but a lot of people still didn't seem to get it. You're comment proves that I wasn't delusional after all.
ReplyDeleteJust for further clarification, I think I'll add a link or statements within any upcoming posts regarding what to expect from the blog. I also may add a scorecard post so people can really see how well each pick has done. CPE was bad pick, NVAX ran too hard in the premarket for people to make much off of it and I stated in one of the posts that you'd get 40% from TTNP in the short term. However, everything else has been 60% gains or better until they ran out of steam.
I'm not a big Cramer guy, but I agree with him about buying select financials ahead of earnings. Personally, I'm waiting for a really nasty day in market where we dip below DOW 8000 before I consider buying.
ReplyDeleteHBAN for example is an interesting case. The quarter ending insider buying last month was unreal. You've got to assume the quarter is at least decent when this happens. However, the short interest in HBAN is really starting to creep up and the stock is currently doing a nose dive. If it happens to dip into the $2's, I might be forced to buy with earnings two weeks away. I suspect others will realize this too and the stock will run into earnings date. A quick 30%-35% could be made.
I like your thinking, Card.
ReplyDeleteI made a 50% profit on Bank of America earlier this year and think that BAC, C and HBAN are all potential big money makers.
Unless there is another insane dip, I am going to wait until after earnings. When BAC posted earnings that were 11 times greater than analysts expectations, the shares plummeted.
If earnings are solid again, I suspect there will be some other bad news mixed in there, e.g., credit card defaults, to drag the price down.
The economy still sucks, after all.
If anybody wants to roll the dice today, check out CTIX.OB. It has blockbuster type news out today on a lung cancer drug. The only problem is that the stock typically has almost no trade activity. If it get's some consistent volume, it'll explode. If it doesn't, you'll have a hard time selling because the bid/ask split will be to large. If you don't believe the news is big, the President is comparing the results to his work at Lilly with Alimta and Gemzar. Alimta generated over a $1 billion a year and Gemza made about $2 billion a year. Could be worth the gamble.